Positively Organized! programs blend solid, well-organized program materials with a positive, interactive format where participants get a chance to learn as well as shine.
Programs and seminars can be customized in program length as well as content to meet client needs. In addition, many are available in a personalized, Web-based format. Program titles fall into three main areas of expertise:
1. Written and Oral Communications
Positively Organized! Business Writing
Positively Organized! E-Mail Mastery
Positively Organized! E-Writing
Positively Organized! ESL English Writing
Positively Organized! American Spoken English
Great Grammar on the Go
Positively Organized! Presentations
Positively Organized! Technical Writing
POWWer Lunch Sessions: Bite-size Positively Organized! Writing Workshops
2. Organization and Work Management
Organized to Be Your Best! Best Practices to Work, Communicate, and Collaborate
Positively Organized! Customer Service
Positively Organized! Information Management
Positively Organized! Memory Magic: Innovative Ways to Organize and Master Information
to Improve Your Memory
Positively Organized! Peace of Mind: An Experiential Stress Management Program
Positively Organized! Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
Positively Organized! Project Management: A Best Practices Overview
Your Positive Gifts to the World: A Positively Organized! Adventure to Discover and Tap Your Special
Abilities,Talents, and Success Stories
3. Leadership, Management, and Supervision
Positively Organized! Coaching and Accountability
Positively Organized! Decision Making
Positively Organized! Delegation
Positively Organized! Leadership
Positively Organized! Meetings
Positively Organized! Supervision
Positively Organized! Team Building